Saturday, July 30, 2011


In March,2004 ,  after leaving Jordan Ahli Bank,  and feeling happy that I will be working  in the HR field I called my cousin to tell her my news.
"Hello, Dear, I have great news; I am working now in the HR field.
My cousin answered with a sad tone: “Really, HR, now you will be firing people leaving them homeless… "
I hung up the phone feeling sad and speechless “Oh my god, I do not want to fire people …. I do not want to make them homeless….. I really cannot do it!”
I spent all night dreaming and imagining people leaving my office, so in the morning, I decided to give it a try and I went to work for few months. Ironically, I still work in Human Resources and I am really passionate about it. During the last 7 years, I found out that a strong Human Resources team can help solve the following core issues that can hinder the success of any organization:
  Poor Customer Service
  -  Low performance
  -  High Turn Over
  -  Low morale
  -  Increased Stress
At AZAR HUMAN RESOURCE, we believe in creating a long-term partnership with our client that will lead to the reduction of all these problems, in addition to many others … if you want to know more about How to solve these problem please check our website, and follow our blogs with all update

Highly Recommended Funny Video 


  1. " • I agree with the phrase but I would like to add something new from my point of view as follows:
    1- Specialists are hired to correct what is wrong in the organization or the firm that hired him or her.
    2- The specialist should study well the cases that he has in the firm or the organization even the personal matters of an employee or a worker in order to take a right conclusion wether this employee or worker should be fired or should be treated in other way,such as giving him or her a special trainning in his field of work or to give him or her a new opportunity to correct his mistakes.
    3- If the employee has corrected him or her self he worth to stay working but under a condition which is lets say when a student fails to gain a good or high gpa in university he will be assigned under probation so this employee should be observed closley untill feeling or seeing the good results of his work or lets say that the goals of the firm or organization has been achieved after the efforts made to improve himself.
    4- Sometimes a decision should be made directly when noticing or feeling that the employee or the worker is not competent and is wasting the firm's or the organization's time without achivenig any of the goals of the firm.
    At the end I think that these are the main objectives that any HR specialist should take in consideration before taking any wrong decision,and I say that because I passed in this experience during my work with Jericho Municipality.
    Thank you all and I hope to see your replies soon dear friends."
    Philip Abedrabbo

  2. Most of HR Managers don't listen to us, and with owners they just want to reduce Budget and so Fire Employees :(

  3. I can think of SO many Jordanian CEOs who need to read this article!!

    Maryah Converse

  4. Nice one, i agree lots of CEO's need to read and understand this article.

    Raed Hamo

  5. Well I agree completly with you that lots of CEO's need to read and understand this article for that I have a suggestion as follows:
    Dear Friends and colleges lets work together on a project collecting any information possible and usefull for the CEO's and for many persons too concerning this article and other articles in human resourses and manegerial aspects and publish it on this website or lets create a different website specialized in these matters and collaborate in publishing it to the public through this website.Other suggestion is to preapare for a periodical newsletter,magazine or a book that gathers different issues as I said before concerning Management and Human resources.
    SO dear fellows please lets join our efforts to create something new and as I hope will be an entrance for more projects in the future.So if you are interested please contact me on my email through linkedin website and let me know how can you help this project to be born and see the light within a short period of time.
    I don't want to talk much so I will be waiting for your suggestions and comments on this website or through email.Here is my alternate email if you like to contact me to see your participation soon.
    philip abedrabbo

  6. This is good and everyone knows how essential and Vital HR is..but ALAS...they only practice the dark side of it these days..

    Sherif Mahmoud

  7. Good Morning Philip , you are suggesting a brilliant idea , we are really appreciate all helpful ideas , in this site we welcome all suggestions and opinions , lets all share here our experiences

    AZAR HRS Team

  8. Hello everybody I join my voice to yours and thanks for everybody lets start from this point and do something useful guys.Thanks to everybody in advance for your collaboration.
    philip Abedrabbo

  9. Dear Shrief thanks for your comment but as known that in life there are two sides the bright side and the dark side,but as I can see from your comment that you passed a hard time or experience with hrs so can you tell us about this experience if possible.Wish you good luck always.
    philip Abedrabbo

  10. Dear friends I would like to ask you to read this article that I found while surfing it is so interesting here is the link :
    Philip Abedrabbo

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